Rick’s albums are now available for purchase through PayPal/credit card via the “Buy CD” buttons or by sending a check ($15 per CD) to the following address:
Root River Music, Inc.
PO Box 320077
Franklin, WI 53132
November 8, 2022 – Bonus Music
Check out some new songs written and performed by Rick Fitzgerald!
June 12, 2021 – livestreamed
Three recent videos were recorded for presentation as part of the annual New Song Concert for the Portage Road Songwriter’s Guild. This annual charity fundraising event was held on June 12, 2021 as a livestreamed concert through The Coffee House.
Love All to Live (w/m by Rick Fitzgerald) is a song about basic human kindness, inspired by words in the cartoon strip, “Curtis”.
A Simple Leap of Faith (w/m by Rick Fitzgerald) came from an assignment to write a song about Faith, and serves as a reminder that faith and religion are not the same thing. Inspiration came from a poem by fellow PRSG songwriter Tom Webber. In his poem, Tom ponders whether an autumn leaf actually falls or if it chooses its destiny.
Covidwearpajamas (w/Tom Davis & Rick Fitzgerald; m/Gordon Lightfoot) was a co-write project with Tom Davis as part of a dual challenge to write a Covid-related parody, and to write a song that coins a new Covid-related compound word. Sincerest apologies to Gordon Lightfoot for stepping on his lovely melody.
September 14, 2019 – Live on Riverwest Radio
Originally broadcast at 6:30 PM on Riverwest Radio WXRW 104.1 FM Milwaukee on the Sessions with Sandy program where Rick was the musical guest, live and unscripted! Here’s the link to the interview.
June 4, 2019 – Double Release
Rick’s eagerly awaited third album, “Earth Without Art” has been released!
This heartfelt collection prominently features Rick’s voice, 6 & 12-string guitars and diatonic autoharps. It is dedicated to the songs and artists that have served as his musical inspiration and features four new original songs that hope to carry that inspiration forward. Here’s the link to a review from Autoharp Quarterly.
Click on the album cover to hear song samples.
[wp_paypal button=”cart” name=”Earth Without Art” amount=”15.00″ button_image=”http://www.rootrivermusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Buy_CD.png” no_shipping=”2″ cancel_return=”http://www.rootrivermusic.com/” return=”http://www.rootrivermusic.com/”]
Also released is a new collaborative album, “Chasing Sunshine“, featuring acoustic pieces by Rick along with fellow artists Maggie Dodd and Michael Poole. Enjoy the warm harmonies and thoughtful song selections performed by this trio of accomplished musicians in their debut release! Here’s the link to a review from Autoharp Quarterly.
Click on the album cover to hear song samples.
[wp_paypal button=”cart” name=”Chasing Sunshine” amount=”15.00″ button_image=”http://www.rootrivermusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Buy_CD.png” no_shipping=”2″ cancel_return=”http://www.rootrivermusic.com/” return=”http://www.rootrivermusic.com/”]
This album, “Crossing The Water“, is a balance of fine instrumental tunes and songs with rich vocals. It is Rick’s second and most autoharp-centric album, featuring two of his signature autoharp instrumentals from the Mountain Laurel Autoharp championship: “Calypso” and “Ghost Riders in the Sky”.
Click on the album cover to hear song samples.
Rick’s debut CD, “Living Up To A Dream“, is an entertaining mix of songs ranging from the whimsical, to the romantic, tragic, and the inspirational. It features four of Rick’s original songs, including “Hooray for the Denis Sullivan,” a true story of adventure aboard Wisconsin’s own tall ship, and “It’s Up to You (Living Up to Your Dreams),” guaranteed to lift you up.
Click on the album cover to hear song samples.
[wp_paypal button=”cart” name=”Living Up To A Dream” amount=”15.00″ button_image=”http://www.rootrivermusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Buy_CD.png” no_shipping=”2″ cancel_return=”http://www.rootrivermusic.com/” return=”http://www.rootrivermusic.com/”]